The Kannada Rajyotsava Day was celebrated at the MSV School on 1st of November, 2024. The students, teachers, staff and the management of MSV participated with great enthusiasm.

The program was initiated with the Flag Hoisting by Smt Radhika Prasad, a commitee member. Both the Karnataka and National Flags were hoisted.

This was followed by singing of the the “Naadu Geethe” – “Jaya Bharata Jananiya Tanujate” written by famous poet Sri Kuvempu.This was followed by singing of the National Anthem.

A few other inspiring kannada songs were sung by the children, too.

Senior students spoke about the importance of remembering and retaining our culture in the midst of the information age and westernisation.

All the teachers were dressed up in typical cultural dress appropriate for the occasion. A map of Karnataka with lamps lit around the map was the highlight of the program.